●Company Name : Video Tech Laboratories Inc.
●Representatives : representative director, Yoshitaka Hiraishi
●Established : October 1, 1983
●Paid-in Capitall : 15million Japanese yen
●Office and Factory 2761-1, Shimokanuki-Togo, Numazu City, Shizuoka Pref, 410-0822, Japan
●Banks Numazu Shinkin Bank; The Shizuoka Bank,Ltd.;
●Representatives : representative director, Yoshitaka Hiraishi
●Established : October 1, 1983
●Paid-in Capitall : 15million Japanese yen
●Office and Factory 2761-1, Shimokanuki-Togo, Numazu City, Shizuoka Pref, 410-0822, Japan
●Banks Numazu Shinkin Bank; The Shizuoka Bank,Ltd.;